About Me

Educational History
Master of Design - Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
August 2022 - June 2024

During my postgraduate studies, I focused on design research, usability, and user experience (UX). My thesis explored the intersection of usability and technology in public spaces, specifically in the context of self-ticketing machines in cinemas.

Bachelor of Product Design - Mercu Buana University
August 2011 - July 2015

My undergraduate degree provided me with a strong foundation in product design, focusing on the creation of user-centered physical products. Throughout my studies, I worked on various design projects that honed my skills in prototyping, material selection, and design aesthetics.

Multimedia & Design - SMK Negeri 40 Jakarta
August 2009 - July 2011

This program introduced me to the world of digital design and multimedia, sparking my passion for visual communication and interactive media.